
ZeeZide is a software development and consulting company located in Magdeburg, Germany.

The focus areas are Swift client (macOS, mobile) and server software in addition to Slack applications.

Welcome to the ZeeZide!

ZeeZide is a software development and consulting company located in Magdeburg, Germany.

The focus areas are Swift client (macOS, mobile) and server software in addition to Slack applications.


You can hire ZeeZide to help you to architect and/or implement software solutions. We can give advise, help you select technologies and drive the actual implementation.


At ZeeZide we are working on macOS and iOS products, including Shrugs and HMScriptEditor. In addition we provide a set of nice technology demos: CodeCows, ASCII Cows, SwiftBlocksUI, Macro.swift, UXKit, ZeeQL, mod_swift and more ...

At ZeeZide we are working on macOS and iOS products, including Shrugs and HMScriptEditor. In addition we provide a set of nice technology demos: CodeCows, ASCII Cows, SwiftBlocksUI, Macro.swift, UXKit, ZeeQL, mod_swift and more ...


ZeeZide got setup in January 2015. We provide software development and consulting services.

ZeeZide got setup in January 2015. We provide software development and consulting services.

Helge Heß is the CEO of ZeeZide. Before founding ZeeZide Helge worked four years at Apple in Cupertino. And of course did various other things worth mentioning. Experience: 25+ years in software development.

If you are interesting in joining the effort, feel free to contact us: info@zeezide.com!


The best way to contact ZeeZide is to send an email to info@zeezide.com. Please avoid "let's have a phone call" style emails, give us some data to decide whether we need to have one.

  • ZeeZide GmbH
  • Lorenzweg 42
  • 39124 Magdeburg
  • Germany
  • +49-391-50549621